Excursión guíada al Molino de la Primavera y El Infiernito

En esta excursión de Villa de Leyva, visitará dos de las grandes atracciones de los alrededores: la Casa del Mulino en Primavera y un observatorio astronómico de la falta, que se conoce como este. ¡Valor!


El precio de esta actividad es de 42,80 €.

*Precio puede variar según disponibilidad y fecha.

Idioma del Guía y Tiempo de la Actividad


Excursión al molino de la primavera y el infiernito

Route bogotá villa de leyva

«Divine kitchens, profane meals» aims to divulge the history of Villa de Leyva and Alto Ricaurte through a tour of the food and history of the region by visiting places of interest.
«Divine kitchens, profane meals» aims to divulge the history of Villa de Leyva and Alto Ricaurte through a journey through the food and history of the region by visiting little known historical places.
The next station leads to the valley known as ‘El Infiernito’, place where the Muisca Solar Observatory is located, where you can understand the cosmogonic relationship of the territory in pre-Hispanic times. Spiritual rituals related to life and fertility were performed at this site.
The Molino de La Primavera is a museum, where ancient tools used to grind wheat are kept, where you can see how this process was carried out in ancestral times. This construction denotes the colonial architecture that predominates in the region.

Los tigres del norte – la camioneta gris (live)

Wait! How would you like to start your immersion in the universe of witches in a museum dedicated to them? it’s possible. If you want to arrive at the Cave of Zugarramurdi with a mind well prepared for fantasy, we can only recommend that you first visit the Museum of Witches, a space that explores the socio-cultural origins of the legends about witchcraft and the role of the Inquisition in its tragic development. Characters from local mythology, such as Mari and Aker, the practice of pagan rites and the role of women as healers will help you better understand what the cave meant for those who lived in Zugarramurdi.
Witches, covens, devil worship? And the beauty of the work of that magnificent sculptor that is water. Our caves are much more than dark cavities. They are folklore, history and captivating villages, and when you discover them you will agree with us.

Musica lg twobadsanta

Before leaving, he wanted to back up the impressions he had gathered by questioning the local doctor, Don Pedro de las Casas Pérez, who confirmed everything he had told them. Among other issues, with respect to the sanitary problems, the doctor argued:
Within the historical context of the ravine, it must be remembered that the Canary Islands were always a place to stop and visit. Thus, some of the most distinguished romantic travelers, many of them natural scientists, will include the Canary Islands among their preferred destinations, among other reasons, because they were not indifferent to the benign climate of the Islands, especially valued for the cure of those afflicted with lung diseases and other pathologies.
International figures such as William Dampier, Nicolas Baudin, James Cook, the Count of La Pérouse, George Vancouver, William Bligh or Alexander von Humboldt are still today personalities of reference when associating the Canary Islands with its tourist image. It will be them and other travelers who will boost the fame of the Islands and, ultimately, who will constitute an inaugural corpus of foreign visitors whose legacy will be to form the basis of tourism in the archipelago (16).

Los manseros santiagueños en el festival de jesús maría 2016

Destacados: no te pierdas los niveles superiores donde se encuentran todos los productos ecológicos (después de las 10 de la mañana). No olvides los sombreros y la protección solar! VALLE ESCONDIDOA espectacular carretera bordeada entre cañones y colinas, ¡para los motoristas o ciclistas más aventureros!
Puntos de interés: 1 de los 2 únicos ejemplares totalmente intactos de los pliosaurios más grandes de la era prehistórica en el mundoEL INFIERNITEs un antiguo observatorio solar de los muiscas (una población indígena de Colombia). La visita dura unos 15 minutos y está dirigida por guías muy amables e informativos.
Caminata larga y ardua pero hermosa hasta el Páramo de Iguaque. Lleve calzado adecuado y chaqueta a prueba de lluvia y viento. Lleve suficiente comida y agua. También puede llevar un guía (recomendado).