Excursión guíada a Puerto Pizarro

Sumérgete en la biodiversidad de los manglares con esta excursión a Puerto Pizarro. Verá cocodrilos, aves endémicas y toda la vida marina de esta área de buceo.


El precio de esta actividad es de 32,30 €.

*Precio puede variar según disponibilidad y fecha.

Idioma del Guía y Tiempo de la Actividad


Excursión a puerto pizarro

paseo por fiestas patrias 2021

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Otro punto de interés es el criadero de cocodrilos de Tumbes, donde se pueden ver todas las etapas del crecimiento de este animal. Esta zona es una de las que quedan donde se puede ver al cocodrilo de Tumbes, en peligro de extinción.

tourism in tumbes 2021

The beautiful boardwalk of Puerto Pizarro is the starting point to visit the mangroves by boat, an ecosystem formed by estuaries or navigable channels that are part of the delta of the Tumbes River and can reach up to six meters high, forming islands by the accumulation of sediment and silt.

During the tour you can disembark on the islands of Amor and Hueso de Ballena, paradisiacal places, whose beaches are the most important in the area, its shallow waters make boat rides possible; the Isla de los Pajaros, is a refuge for a great variety of birds and is ideal to observe them at sunset, when they retire to sleep.

tour in tumbes

Afterwards we will go to the Crocodile Zoo-breeding farm, where you can see all the stages of growth of this animal. It is worth mentioning the importance of this farm because the Tumbes Crocodile is still in danger of extinction. We will go to Isla de los Pájaros, this island is one of the most important attractions of the bay, the Isla de los Pájaros is created by the accumulation of silt or sediment, it owes its name to the large concentration of birds that nest in the mangroves in the area, because it is covered by vegetation, dominated by red mangrove; it is used by endemic birds as a place of residence.

Finally we will visit Whale Bone Island, this island is a large amount of sediment that dragged the Tumbes River. It is said that it receives this name because it has the shape of the spine of a whale but another version states that it is due to the fact that some time ago a cetacean was stranded on the shore and then only its bones were left.

día completo 28 de julio

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