Excursión guíada a La Virginia y El Guásimo

Descubra uno de los sizaros protegidos más extraordinarios con esta excursión en Virginia y Guasissimo de Manizales. Además, hacen visitas deportivas y culturales. ¡Todo el día!


El precio de esta actividad es de 116 €.

*Precio puede variar según disponibilidad y fecha.

Idioma del Guía y Tiempo de la Actividad


Excursión a la virginia y el guásimo

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The mayor of La Virginia, José Diego Villada Marín and its director of Tourism, Diego Mauricio Ossa, have very clear the roadmap that in the medium term can put in the viewfinder of national and international tourism to the port, and for this they have set very ambitious goals through the Municipal Development Plan.
In the midst of the pandemic, the tourist reactivation of the municipality is undoubtedly the best tool to guarantee in good part the social and economic development of the zone and for it they have activated a series of initiatives that without a doubt will generate the expected results, among them the project of construction of the Mirador Las Cometas with the support of the National Fund of Tourism -FONTUR, with investments superior to 2 thousand million pesos.
2. To know and walk other ecological trails in the sector of La Palma, such as La Virgen, a place from which you can see the majesty of the Cauca River and the Brisas del Cauca trail, a 100% natural experience in a very particular route because it allows a connection full of magic and charm between the municipality of La Virginia and the municipality of Marsella. Both routes have the option of walking or biking in the midst of lush landscapes.


En Caldas hay ~850 especies de aves con cerca de 22 especies endémicas. En Risaralda, hay ~880 especies de aves y casi 25 especies endémicas. Ambos departamentos tienen más del 40% de sus territorios cubiertos por ecosistemas naturales regulados para la conservación del agua y la fauna, como los Parques Nacionales de los Nevados y del Tatamá. Todas estas áreas hacen posible la presencia de una gran biodiversidad, con aproximadamente el 45% de las aves de todo el territorio nacional.
La reserva es esencial para la conservación del agua que beben los habitantes de Manizales. Tiene una superficie de 4.932 ha de bosque nublado. Su principal atractivo es la posibilidad de fotografiar hasta cinco especies de hormigueros, entre ellos el endémico Antpitta de Banda Marrón y el casi endémico Antpitta Bicolor.
El Malecón Embalse Cameguadua es un proyecto medioambiental liderado por la CHEC en la recuperación de un embalse y la construcción de un ecoparque acuático. Las obras de adecuación incluyeron la recuperación del paisaje, la limpieza del agua y la adecuación de un lago para la pesca, que es visitado por aves acuáticas.

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The initial hamlet was called Sopinga and then Nigricia in the middle of the XIX century. On November 27, 1959 La Virginia was declared a municipality, since it previously belonged to Belalcázar, Caldas. It was founded by Francisco Jaramillo Ochoa, José Joaquín Hoyos, Juan Hoyos, José Ramírez, Nicolás Torres, Juana Valderrama, Marcelino Torres and Martín Torres, Pedro Martínez, Leandro Villa and Pio quinto Rojas.
The Risaralda Valley, a territory once inhabited by the indigenous communities of the Ansermas and Apias. In the middle of the 19th century, black maroons, slaves and fugitives founded the first black palenque in the region. The fishing with atarraya and the extraction of material from the river make it worthy of being recognized as the Puerto Dulce of Colombia; facilitating recreation in tourist attractions such as the eco-park the Humedal and an important offer of spas and country estates.
Guásimo was declared a protected area through Agreement No 021 of June 17, 2011 by the Board of Directors of CARDER, in the category of Integrated Management District, with an area of 1447 hectares. It is located in the municipality of La Virginia, in the lower zone of the western slope of the central mountain range in an altitudinal range of 900 – 1250 meters above sea level.

guácimo, an excellent source of protein for cattle.

This report was made by Hoover’s FBI one week before the coup d’état programmed by Washington DC against Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid for his sympathy with Adolfo Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Europe.
Tumbaco, Cumbayá, Nayón, Puembo and Pifo seek to form a new canton, independent of Quito, the capital of Ecuador and voted for Lasso almost 3 to 1. This class of exemplary citizens with great hope turned out to the polls to ratify Lasso Mendoza last April 11 throughout Ecuador: «the silent majority» (33 to 35% of the votes).
The Ecuadorian right wing went out to vote. That is the great lesson that the experience of Lasso 2021 leaves us: to insist and not to be robbed, hopefully Peruvians will do the same with Keiko.
Ecuador is more right-wing than anything else and is wary of Correa’s carnivorous populism. That was what changed in this election: a right wing determined to dethrone the populism of the 21st century. With these triumphs, the Ecuadorian right wing must comply and become stronger every day, because there are carnivores for a while.